简 历:
1987.12 出生于山西省介休市;
2018 中国美术学院博士在读
第四届中国姿态雕塑大展 /获中国雕塑佳作奖/山东美术馆(山东)
第四届明天当代雕塑奖 /获明天奖/四川美术学院(重庆)
第九届韩中现代雕刻交流展 /艺术殿堂(首尔)
首届中国·云岗国际佛教雕塑艺术大展/和阳美术馆 (大同)
“渡口”中国青年当代雕塑与装置提名展/棉3 (天津)
62度灰和Ta的朋友们/尤伦斯当代艺术中心 (北京)
城市之光----2015上海城市当代雕塑与装置艺术博览/云艺术中心 (上海)
保利十周年当代青锋艺术博览会/全国农展馆 (北京)
Youkui Zhang
Born in Jiexiu, Shanxi in December, 1987.
Graduated with a bachelor degree in the department of sculpture from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2011.
Graduated with a master degree in the department of sculpture from Yunnan Arts Institute in 2016.
From September, 2016, as a resident artist in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute.
As a member of the Chinese Sculpture Institute.
In 2016, the 4th Chinese Pose- China Sculpture, Excellent Work award, in Shandong Art Museum (Jinan)
In 2016, the Zeng Zhushao Sculpture Scholarship, Zeng Zhushao award, in China Sculpture Museum (Datong)
The 4th Tomorrow and Contemporary Award, Tomorrow Award, in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (Chongqing)
Multi-participation-Invitation Exhibition of Young Sculptors 2016, in Donghu (Wuhan)
Joint Exhibition
In 2017
The 9th China·Korea Contemporary Sculpture Exchange Exhibition, in Seoul Arts Center.
The Annual Exhibition of Resident Artists of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, in Luo Zhongli Gallery (Chongqing).
The Middle Exhibition of Resident Artists of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, in CAEA Gallery (Chongqing).
The Art of Suzhou, in Jinji Lake Art Museum (Suzhou)
In 2016
The Art Experimental Exhibition of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts.
The 1st China·Yungang International Art Competition of Buddha Sculpture, in Heyang Gallery (Datong)
The Chinese Contemporary Youth Sculpture and Installation Nominees Exhibition, in Cotton 3 Creative Block.
The Ice Breaking Age Contemporary Sculpture Invitational Exhibition, in Sunshine International Museum (Beijing).
The Art of Beijing- The Academic Invited Exhibition of China National Art Gallery, in Beijing Agricultural Exhibition Center.
The Art of Suzhou-The Joint Exhibition of the Contemporary International Young Artists, in Ambassy Club (Suzhou).
In 2015
Sixty-two Shades of Grey and Its Friends, in UCCA (Beijing).
City Lights-2015 Shanghai City Contemporary Sculpture and Installation Expo, in Yun Contemporary Arts Center (Shanghai).
The 10th Anniversary of Poly-The Art Expo of the Contemporary Youth, in Beijing Agricultural Exhibition Center.
In 2014
Celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China-The Art Exhibition of Yunnan Province, in Kunming Museum.
The Artron Poly New Power Nominees Exhibition, in China National Academy of Painting (Beijing).
From East to West-The Exchange Exhibition in the USA of Chinese Young Artists, in 415E Lewis St, Livingstone, MT59047, USA.
In 2012
Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of Mao Zedong’s Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Art and Literature, the Art Exhibition of Tianjin, in the gallery of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts.
In 2016, the Joint Exhibition of Guo Pei and Li Haoyue, in the gallery of Yunnan Arts Institute.
Works Collection
China Sculpture Museum; Shandong Art Museum; Donghu (Wuhan).
Publishing Experience
In 2016, the work was allocated to the Chinese Sculptures
In 2014, the work was allocated to Celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China-The Art Exhibition of Yunnan Province- Part of Art & Celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China-The Art Exhibition of Yunnan Province- Part of Design.
In 2013, the work was allocated to the Yearbook of Contemporary Chinese University Students’ Art Works.
In 2011, the work was allocated to the Declaration of Independence- Giant Cup Today National Art Students Annual Awards 2011.
In 2011, the work was allocated to the Sculpture.